This is the "Konapun - Hamburger Kitchen", a Japanese toy made by BANDAI. Basically, you just cook some tiny food (which are inedible) in a tiny toy kitchen, serve your fake food, then drool thinking that you just made some delicious looking food but can't eat it.
The "Konapun" doesn't cook with real heat, it's just some special powder mixed with water. It also doesn't use real oil, it's some kind of fake oil made of special powder mixed with water. The fake food will also rot soon. And remember, THIS IS INEDIBLE, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO EAT IT....estoufed.
You can buy this and other Konapun sets here. So, would you rather make these tiny fake food or go cook up some real edible food?
I'm sorry if I haven't posted anything these past few days, I've been really busy at school. I hope you guys enjoy my blog and continue to read and support it :)